Bangkok’s Saen Saep Canal to be Improved
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has a goal to improve the landscape of Saen Saep Canal in cooperation with various organisations and agencies such as the BMA District Offices and Departments; external organisations such as Pollution Control Department, Department of Industrial Works, and Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning; as well as private sectors and people sector. Campaigns and activities have been launched to raise public awareness among people and business establishments located along Saen Saep Canal and its branch canals to stop disposing or discharging waste or sewage into moats and canals and public water bodies. They also have been requested for cooperation in keeping landscape of the canals clean and beautiful in accordance with the concept of ‘Facing the Canal’.
For wastewater treatment in Saen Saep Canal, various solutions have been executed:
- Pollution generated from household activities accounts for 70% of the amount of wastewater discharged into Saen Saep Canal and its branch canals. The solution is to bring wastewater from households into wastewater collection systems of the BMA. At present, the BMA has offered wastewater treatment service implemented by a large water quality control plant to collect and treat wastewater, which will cover a whole Saen Seap Canal.
- Pollution generated from buildings and business establishments accounts for 29% of the amount of wastewater discharged into Saen Saep Canal and its branch canals. The BMA has integrated cooperation with the Pollution Control Department, Department of Industrial Works, and Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning to enforce related laws on wastewater treatment so that business establishments have installed standard wastewater treatment systems and treated wastewater before discharging into the public water bodies.
- Pollution from boat cruising and accumulation of sediment at canal bed accounts for 1% of the amount of wastewater discharged into Saen Saep Canal and its branch canals. The BMA has dredged and removed sediment in Saen Saep Canal and has plans to sustain canals in Bangkok area every year.
In addition, the BMA has campaigned for the promotion of public participation from all sectors to join hands in keeping up the landscape on both sides of the canal, aiming for better scenery and environment, as well as being a prototype of cooperation that brings about sustainability.
For more news, www.prbangkok-eng.com
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